A considerable amount of research goes into BotWorld as robots, technology, and faith interacting is a tricky undertaking. Under this section, you will will find continuously emerging aspects of BotWorld research and resources that have gone into the various books. Some will be be general concepts, like AI and robot technology, and some will be specific for a book. We expect these to be controversial, especially those dealing with intelligent design, creation, and that which requires a dimension of faith to consider.

Position Statements
Position Statements are blogs on different concepts or topics about technologies, robots, intelligent design, faith, etc. We are happy to get feedback on these topics. If the comments become too inflamed, we will moderate them out for public view.
ChatGPT Blogs
ChatGPT is an emerging AI technology. Below is some Q&A on BotWorld concepts presented to ChatGPT. Read more about ChatGPT at https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt.
- Why is ChatGPT good?
- Why is ChatGPT bad?
- What is intelligent design?
- Does God Exist?
- Is Jesus the son of God?
- How was the universe created?
- What is the purpose of creation?
- If God exists, does he like creation?
- Who created natural processes?
- What is consciousness?
- Where did the knowledge of good and evil come from?
- If evolution created man, who created evolution?
- Are humans fundamentally good or bad?
- What is the distinction between the lion and the lamb?
- If ChatGPT could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
- https://www.masterclass.com/classes/neil-gaiman-teaches-the-art-of-storytelling – A wonderful masterclass by Neil Gaiman that helped me transform into a better author.